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Occupational Health Blog

Healthy Tips for Working Professionals

Getting the right nourishment into your body helps you improve your performance and boost your productivity. Here are some healthy lifestyle tips you can follow to keep you strong and healthy.

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Return to Work Guidelines During COVID-19

As many places have successfully flattened the curve, reopening the economy is now possible. The government and businesses are working hand in hand in examining strategies and safety measures for workers to have a safe and healthy return to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Workers’ Compensation Benefits for COVID-19

There’s a new law that addresses worker’s compensation coverage for employees who contract COVID-19. The new law provides that employees on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic are presumed to have contracted a workers’ compensation occupational disease if they become ill with COVID-19.

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Workplace Safety Guide During Coronavirus Pandemic

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the LWDA and the EDD of the State of California wants to keep all the workers, both the employees and employers safe and provided. You may use the guidance below to determine what can help best for you, your family, and your workplace.

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The Employer’s Guide to COVID-19

Employers have the responsibility and obligation to ensure the safety and welfare of their employees at work. Employers should carry out a risk assessment to identify the risk of a coronavirus and implement the necessary steps to minimize the risk of an outbreak.

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Healthy Habits Tips for Boosting Employees

Every little positive change your employees do to themselves can make a huge difference in their performance at work. As an employer, you can also take part in encouraging them to make little changes that could positively help them become more productive.

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Breath Alcohol Test for Employment

It is important for employers to ensure that all the job applicants are safe and would not cause any reckless or negligent actions towards themselves or others should they get hired for a position.

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Importance of Keeping Yourself Healthy for Work

As a working professional, you are expected to deliver output and results and being sick and absent from work may affect those. That is why it is important that you keep yourself healthy so that you can give your 100% at work.

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Tips and Procedures for Employee Injury Care

Workplace safety doesn’t depend on best practice guidelines and policies only but also based on how well the people, in both management and on the production floor, adhere to and communicate about safety standards.

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